Julie asks, “Please comment on mandating the Ten Commandments in every schoolroom in Oklahoma.”
I’m reminded of the saying, “Give some an inch, and they’ll take a mile.”
Our present “unSupreme Court” seems to be hell-bent not only on destroying all the progress our country has made in the last fifty years but also opening the doors for Christian fundamentalists to try to make the United States their kind of Christian nation. I suspect the unSupremes will soon be hearing lawsuits. My fear is that this time, the fundamentalists will win.
This is my take about what will happen after the Ten Commandments are in place. The “mile” will look like this: Christian prayers (their kind) will be said in all schools, Bibles (the King James Version, written in 1611) will be in every classroom, Christian chaplains will replace school counselors, books they don’t like will be banned, the boards of education will be run by their kind, and maybe even teachers who don’t comply will be burned at the stake (oops, I got carried away!).
Fundamentalists refuse to believe that the United States was not started as a Christian country and that the Constitution calls for the separation of church and state. That’s what the Revolutionary War was about: no kings and no state religion.
Have you noticed that these same fundamentalists are attempting to overtake every school district in our country and jam their curriculum down everyone’s throat? Fortunately, after much effort and money, those in blue states have been able to have them recalled, but it takes years to clean up the messes they created.
Once again, we’ll drag this issue through the courts and eventually get rid of either the Ten Commandments or the Constitution. I’m hoping for the former.
I find it humorous that the fundamentalists think that Christianity is about the Ten Commandments. Let’s look at Mark 12:18–34, Matthew 22:28–34, and Luke 10:25–28, when Jesus is asked which commandment is the most important. His response in all three Gospels is about loving God as well as loving your neighbor as much as you do yourself. He says nothing about the Ten Commandments, and in Mark 12:31, Jesus says, “There is no commandment greater than these.” (Sorry, Ten Cs!)
Fundamentalists love the Old Testament, laws, blind obedience, judgment, exclusiveness, and the Ten Commandments. Fortunately, my Christianity is about the New Testament, Jesus (my Christ), and agape with lots of forgiveness and caring.
My bottom line: let’s start recalling some of the unSupremes and start jailing all those who are for a dictatorship theocracy. Isn’t that what the unSupremes just said: our president, in a 6–3 vote, has been elevated to king status, and kings can jail whomever they want, whenever they want, so President Biden can start now.
So, Julie, we have to be patient as a large majority of our citizens make sure the fundamental minority loses one more time.
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P.S. People often ask me provocative questions about current events, both religious and secular. I have found that some of these questions are being asked universally, so I am trying a new approach. One week, I’ll present articles like the one above. Then, the next week, I’ll share one of those questions and my answer. I invite you to send me your question(s) to bilaulenbach@yahoo.com.
Photo by Erik Mclean
Thank you, Bil. This is an unbelievably scary situation Here in Okla our corrupt and disgraceful Sec of Education has mandated that the Bible is in every classroom as well as 10 Commandments It is in the State Supreme Court right now and it appears Walters will lose These “Christians” are Biblically Illiterate and Historically Ignorant and, sadly, vicious. Jesus had NOTHING to do with 10 Commandments and–according to the Bible–everything to do with the Beatitudes Guess which one these radical Christians talk about and which one is never mentioned.
Perfect response
Per favor, gent dels USA, deixau de considerar-vos els amos del MÓN, a l’estil dels ciutadans de l’antic SPQR. Primer posau PAU i JUSTÍCIA en el vostre propi país, després ja pensareu en influir en tants i tants països que invadiu i dominau. Us ho demana un vell jubilat mestre d’escola de l’illa de Mallorca, sotmesa fa molts segles a l’Imperi Romà. /////// Please, people of the USA, stop considering yourselves the masters of the WORLD, in the style of the citizens of the old SPQR. First put PEACE and JUSTICE in your own country, then you will think about influencing so many countries that you invade and dominate. This is asking you an old retired school teacher from the island of Mallorca, which was subject many centuries ago to the Roman Empire.
Gracias Guillem por votre pegunta. I’ll try to answer it in my new blog format about asking me a question.It won’t be easy!
Thanks for thoughtful article. Do we in Canada take notice? I hope so because some say ‘what happens in the US happens 10 years later here in Canada.’ I guess that was before social media.
Keep up you your prodding, Bill. Your writings are appreciated by many and trust what you say seriously.
Thank you Michael for your very kind words. I know what you mean about 10 years later but they’re at work in your community now. They need to be exposed and the truth told about them.
Mainstream religions here in the USA are still very quiet about them as the fundamentalists/cults continue to undermine our democracy. The secret: Don’t let them even run for dogcatcher. Once they get their foot in the door they never stop.
They know nothing of what Jesus preached much less behave as he instructed
Thanks Betty for reading my emails and responding. I agree with you. My take: They’re a cult hiding behind the robes pf Jesus and weaponizing the Bible. BUT THEY ARE DANGEROUS! We’re hoping the coming election will quiet them down. Unfortunately, they’re here to stay but the election box is where we can quiet them.