Ask Me Anything: Hope and Faith

Here’s a question from Chris R.: “How do you hold on to hope or faith when the whole world and our country in particular seems to be falling apart?”

I suspect about twenty million or so other folks are asking the same question.

As a faith-based Follower, let me start with my faith, which I call an Easter faith (Easter as a metaphor, not a historical event). My faith has taught me how to change my negative experiences (my Good Fridays) into positives, or Easters. All my Easters have been transforming, which also means my life changes direction continually.

My faith demands a positive approach and attitude. I have no interest in the concept of Original Sin, which is a negative teaching. The lyrics in the song “Amazing Grace” call us “wretches.” I dislike that word. I don’t know any wretches, but I know people who do wretched things. The idea of Original Sin and all the sin talk is a real downer!

I’m into the “Original Goodness” of all humanity, but I understand that, at times, we miss the mark. (The word sin derives from a Hebrew word used in archery, “missing the mark.”) My faith has also taught me how to deal with missing the mark positively.

I absolutely refuse to allow the institutional church’s negative theology (for example, purgatory, hell, judgment, Book of Revelation) to even be considered, so I guess my first answer results in a question. (Jesus taught me how to do this: it’s called the maieutic method.) Is your faith negative or positive? (Everyone has a faith. Some folks’ faith is about having no faith.)

I believe that with a positive faith or attitude, one can see life in a different light. I have hope that the Israelis will eventually see that as long as they treat the Palestinians the way they do, they are committing genocide, and Hamas will go away only when they start to treat Palestinians on an equal basis. I have hope that soon there will be new leadership. But the protesting can’t stop until that happens.

I have great hope that the Republicans are not going to be allowed to change our democracy into a dictatorship. But that is going to happen only when my positive faith reminds me that I have to work like I never have before in this election because I love this country and want our grandchildren and their children to enjoy all the opportunities that I have been privileged to have in my life.

Back to maieutics: are you willing to do the same?

In my lifetime, I have lived through the Great Depression, WWII, lots of dumb smaller wars, and I’ve been fired from my jobs three times, had a child with multiple disabilities, moved thirteen times, been broadsided by a fire engine on my motorcycle, and a lot more. Even though each of these experiences is considered negative, my faith and positive hope have transformed them into positive learning experiences. Even at ninety-two years of age, I keep getting these curve balls. It’s life!




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P.S. People often ask me provocative questions about current events, both religious and secular. I have found that some of these questions are being asked universally. I’ll be periodically alternating regular articles with one of those questions and my answer. I invite you to send me your question to


Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash




6 thoughts on “Ask Me Anything: Hope and Faith”

  1. Wonderful answer, Bil. In the last 60 or so years, you have done more to guide me in forming my basic theology than anyone else or any church. Thank you for being my friend and continuing to give me hope. keep doing what you’re doing 😘

    • Thank you Chris for your very kind words. I wish the church would listen to those who don’t go any more but they just write us off and keep doing the same meaningless stuff for the few who are there. When I said I wasn’t a member there any more they cut me off completely. They don’t want to hear truth. So on we go. I hope someday soon some church will try to be the church of the future. I think it’s will be packed with people who are hungry for 21st century truth, not 4th or 7th or 17th century truth.

    • Thank you Linda Ann. My faith is very simple, love unconditionally, forgive and caring for our fellow human beings but it has taken me a lifetime of practice and action to try to live it.

  2. Thank you Bil. I have never understood the idea of “original sin.” As I look into the eyes of my newborn grandchild, I see no sin. I see the possibility for goodness as well as the possibility for mistakes. And like you, I believe we can learn through our mistakes and experiences. Growth is always our choice. Keep writing.

    • Thank you Debra for reads my blogs and responding. The longer I live the more I am convinced that the church’s effort to develop complicated theological concepts is really the work of the devil. They are all lies or based on lies and today’s church folks are educated, know how to think and have no problem calling the church on it. When it was developed starting in the 4th century, only 10-15% of people were educated, so the clergy could get away with it. Not today! I also believe theology was developed because it’s much easier doing than than loving the least of these unconditionally. PeaceLoveJoyHopeKindness Bil


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