Ask Bil Anything

Penny asks, Bil, could you give us a column about PeaceLoveJoyHopeKindness for the new year? I’m surrounded by bad news. Four people died in a fireworks blast, thirty more injured, many critical, and most were children. Where’s the Joy? Thank you, Penny, for the question. No one has ever asked me that before, but my … Read more

The Ten Commandments Bedlam

The State of Louisiana has mandated that the Ten Commandments be included in every classroom. I have tried to imagine seventh-grade teachers walking into their classrooms on a Monday morning, and voilà, emblazoned above the whiteboard or blackboard is a list of the Ten Commandments. The principal has ordered the teachers to review them with … Read more

Ask Bil Anything

Ashley asks: How do you feel about being touched or led by the spirit? Your question reminds me of a clergy friend who shared that God had called him to go into the ministry and added, “So I did. That was twenty-five years ago, but I haven’t heard from Her since.” So much of your … Read more

At One with the Universe

My first trip to Europe was in 1960. I was a bachelor who had just graduated from seminary and been ordained. I spent the summer exploring Europe. I had heard about this little island a half mile off the coast of Normandy called Mont Saint-Michel, first established as a monastic shelter in 708 CE. On … Read more

Welcome to the Circus

The United States will have an old new (or is it new old?) president after Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2025. Disclaimer: he is not my president. Many, including me, find themselves living with a nagging sense of helplessness and hopelessness. I have to be extremely careful not to be sucked into … Read more

What Do You Know for Sure?

On our daily walk, Annie and I started listening to a book by Oprah Winfrey called What I Know for Sure (Flatiron, 2014). The book’s title came about when film critic Gene Siskel interviewed Oprah and asked, “What do you know for sure?” It caught Oprah off guard, and she couldn’t come up with an … Read more

The Boys of Riverside

I am a big Amazon user. I shop there, read Kindle e-books, watch movies, listen to Audible audiobooks, and utilize many of the other services available to Prime members. About a month ago, I saw a new book entitled The Boys of Riverside with a photo on the cover of eight young football players. Immediately, because … Read more

Ask Bil Anything

Gillem asks, Please, people of the USA, stop considering yourselves the masters of the world, in the style of the citizens of the old SPQR (the senate and people of Rome). First put peace and justice in your own country, then you can think about influencing the many countries that you invade and dominate. This … Read more

My Nonresolution Resolution

For thirty-five years, I have never broken my New Year’s resolution: not to make any resolutions. But this year is different. I must have a resolution. Here it is: we must not allow Donald Trump, the Republican Party, or the incoming Congress to change or violate any part of our Declaration of Independence or Constitution. … Read more

Ask Bil Anything

José asks, Does being religious make people moral? My immediate answer is no! Being religious doesn’t automatically make people moral. It’s a difficult question, though, so let’s look at some different thoughts. For starters, I thought I was a Christian for years. Then along came the Evangelicals (Fundamentalists) who today operate so far from what … Read more